Here is a list of frequently asked questions.
All answers can be found on your confirmation or on the website.
Q: What times are you open?
A: 8-10am & 4-6pm.
Q: What days are you open?
A: Mon - Sat - We have selected days we close over Bank Holidays,
Easter, Christmas and New Year.
Closed Sundays.
Please check our Opening/Closure page before booking.
Q: What do I need to bring in with me?
A: Cats, vaccination cards, Special diet or medication. Please remove your collars for safety.
Q: How do we pay?
A: Payments are paid by bank transfer 48 hours before boarding.
Q: Can I bring toys etc?
A: Yes you are welcome to bring in a couple of small toys.
Q: What Is a fresh diet?
A: A fresh diet is any raw or cooked meats that require fridge/freezer to keep them in.
Tinned food is not classed as a fresh diet. Fresh diet incurs a daily charge.
Q: What if we want to collect early?
A: Please inform us if possible. You will still need to pay for your full booking.
Q: If i bring in my own food do we offer a discount?
A: I'm afraid not.
Q: My cat is on medication.
A: We charge each time we medicate your cat.
As some cats can need 24/7 care.
© The Cats Whiskers Cattery 2002-2025